The Ixchel System®    

Victoria's Story


Using my own life experiences of recovering from pain and trauma, I have created The Ixchel System so that I can help you enjoy the freedom of an energised and happy life.

For many years, I was in pain. Misdiagnosed Coeliac Disease left me in agony and unable to function, while generations of family trauma meant that anxiety and depression were never far away. I tried everything – and I felt like the medical world had failed me.

Then, on a trip to India, I discovered the healing power of so-called 'alternative' medicine and – for the first time – began to connect my body’s pain with my life experiences.

Fast forward 25 years and I'm a qualified therapist specialising in Bodywork and Mobility. I have helped hundreds of people recover from acute and chronic pain or illness.

I'm so thankful to have been able to reclaim my health and I would love to help you reclaim yours.



Time and again clients ask me why their doctor, physio or osteopath has never shown or told them about what they learn in my Get Into Your Body Methodology.

Yoga teachers, other movement therapists and medical students wonder why they have never been shown the basics of what I teach in my clinic or in my Get Into Your Body workshops and courses.

The practices of Get Into Your Body practices aren't complicated. In fact, they're beautifully simple. Many of these practices are inspired by my teachers Gary Ward and Chris Sritharan, combining elements of The Anatomy In Motion – Flow Motion Model together with mindfulness to help you realign your whole body.

Each practice is broken down into steps and taught through audio, video and writing


Most joints in your body are designed to move in three directions (known as planes of movement) in particular timing with all of your other joints, in every step you take.

When I first learnt this essential aspect of rehabilitation and preventative movement therapy, I was amazed at how simple it was. Ultimately, the key to being pain-free is a by-product of shifting your body mass and moving your body correctly.

Learning these movement skills and the natural relationships that are meant to exist between different parts of my body created extraordinary shifts in my life – and when I started incorporating this approach into my sessions with clients, it revolutionised the results of all my treatments.


one ot one

We've helped hundreds of people become pain-free

  • The Ixchel System

    I was just looking for some pain relief for my carpel tunnel but I got
    so much more. As well as hands-on treatment, I have learnt a daily
    practise to help me with stress, good posture, how to prevent the
    pain in the first place, and a knowledge of my body that I had never
    come across before which gave me many´aha!' moments.

  • The Ixchel System

    The Ixchel system has already helped me massively and to be able to take my therapy clients through the system and help them make significant improvements to their lives is such a gift. It helped me and I gained more awareness of my body and I want other people to benefit from it.

  • The Ixchel System

    I just have to tell you what a game changer that exercise was for my ribcage. It has translated throughout all aspects of my life. I realised I was never breathing properly!! Now I am breathing up instead of out and the stiffness and rigidity of my chest has just gone away.



Movement therapy isn't just yoga poses, pilates moves or a trip to the osteopath or physio – you need to learn to walk well. Your body needs to be reminded how to access its natural, correct postures with every step you take.

Most of us have lost the art of these crucial alignments and continue, step after step, to put imbalance into our bodies.
It's not just physical issues like sprains that cause imbalances, they can also be a result of emotional experiences like grief and trauma.

To avoid pain, the body collapses or rearranges where its weight distributes. This creates pressure on joints, disturbs blood flow and impacts the function of all systems in the body.
After a while, the brain has a kind of amnesia about what movement is possible to relieve pressure – as a result, people end up stuck in very narrow or imbalanced alignments.


My qualifications and experience in clinic have given me a thorough knowledge of pathologies, pain conditions, orthopaedic assessment and rehabilitation for all the joints and muscles in your body. I am also qualified to assess nutritional deficiency, food intolerances and whether emotional load on muscle groups in your body are creating weakness.


  • Degree Level Qualification in Clinical Massage (BTEC Level 6 from The Jing Institute)
  • Foundation in Systematic Kinesiology (Association of Systematic Kinesiology)
  • Biomechanics & Gait Analysis (Gary Ward, Anatomy In Motion – Flow Motion Model)
  • Medical Acupuncture OMT Training (Full Certification)
  • Fully qualified Relaxation, Meditation & Mindfulness Instructor (Smart Foundations)
  • Theta Healing DNA Practitioner Training (Theta Healing Academy)
  • Advanced Reflexology (VTCT)
Victoria Headshot

Discover the power of The Ixchel System